Monday, June 7, 2010

self sabotage

I was in a conversation with someone and she asked me the same thing I am about to ask you... why is it when we're dieting, exercising and successful, we try and screw it up, and usually do?

I have been thinking on that question for a couple of days now. I know I am not the only guilty person who does it.

And when I do it, I always rationalize it away. "I deserve this", "I will make it up at the gym later", "I didn't eat much today" whatever the rationalization... you still screwed up!

So why?

Yesterday I did pretty good, went to the gym, made dinner, and said I wasn't going to engorge myself on won tons. I did. And then my partner in crime husband talked me into going to sonic. Sigh. I could have been good, and ordered a diet drink. I wanted to. And I got stuck in a rationalization. He went to the hospital saturday. Kidney stones. We think the main culprit is too much soda. So the mean nurse that I am, I said no soda for a week. So 1/2 of me wanted to be supportive and not order soda, but 1/2 of me wanted to be good, diet soda is about the only semi-angelic thing I can order on the menu. Oreo blast. FOR SHAME.


What I think it is, what it boils right down to... is food band aide. Think about your emotions when you make the bad choices. Beat down, defeated, disappointed in yourself?? No matter how you rationalize it, you're not happy, and what are you doing? Putting a food band aide on it.

I think it's time for all of us to find a better outlet. Not just that, but maybe get some kind of FA (rather than AA) sponsorship going. If you cant find an outlet to distract you when you want to screw yourself over, call your sponsor... hello, it's me, I want chocolate.

No more shooting ourselves in the foot!

+237 again, and insulin needs are rising, this week I gotta reign it in.

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