Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Iron deficiency much?

Prick, test, prick, medicate, eat, sleep repeat 50 times a day.

Okay, so I am already over this. I am 10 weeks today, and so iron deficient, the couch now has a permanent indentation of my fat ass and the throw pillows smell like me drool.

I should try and force myself to remember to take my prenatals, seriously, I just forget.

I would make every night steak and broccoli night if it weren't $7/lb for bad steak. I need to go to my neighbors and strike deals with them when they slaughter their cows.

Other than that, I have no room to complain. No morning sickness, and the only nausea I have is well earned (over eating, eating something exceptionally spicy, etc).

In 2 days I have an appointment and on the 7th I get the 1st sonogram.... hope I can drink enuff water and make it thru!

More to come, I just needed to vent.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Gastric bypass surgery

Okay, hahaha just kidding, that was my lame attempt at throwing you off the course to which, I a sure you've already assumed.

I am pregnant!

On July 26th I went to see the doctor to get round 2 of clomid. I warned her that I was late at the time, she asked if that was usual, and I said not these days. So she ran a pregnancy test, and seeing as I was about 2-4 days late give or take she thought a pee test was sufficient. She gave me drugs to start my period and clomid. And said if she didn't call me within 24 hours to go ahead and assume the test was negative and start the drugs.

She didn't call, and I wanted to be triple certain of negativity, so I called. And yes, negative it was.

Well, call me lazy, I dragged my feet to start the drugs, and then with my husband in the field for 2 weeks, I realized my fertile time was when he was gonna be gone. So I kept dragging my feet, if you've ever had a drug-induced period, you will totally understand me when I say my mantra was to let nature take it's course. If you haven't, rest assured the drug -induced version is like a period on crack with adhd. So a couple weeks went by, and nada.

Then all of a sudden my sugars went BERSERK! We're talking no lower than 200-250. I even tried a day of a zero carb/sugar breakfast and lunch followed by a workout, and we know that doing that will make me drop lower than 70. I got home... 274!! WTF is wrong with me!?
a) the test was negative, cant be that
b) I somehow got a mismarked 2 liter that was regular, and no one bothered to recall it... probably not
c) bad insulin, possible- note to self throw away current pen and start new

After that day, I broke down and went to the store for a pee test of my own, by now it being about 2 weeks after the initial. The positive line was darker that the control line! OMFG!

So I was on a mission to get a hold of a doctor, ANY doctor... fix my sugar levels!! HELP!!

And I felt like I did when I was first diagnosed type 2 diabetic. I was no one's priority. I called and called trying to get the nearest appointment I could, and the ob/gyn nurse finally got me in. BUT... it was just an orientation/testing appointment. Meaning... I didn't see a doctor, so I was on the nurse like white one rice.. I am a high risk pregnancy... HELLO, why isn't anyone acting like this is as dire as it is!!! She got me in to see the doctor a few hours later.

I am now on a tighter regime, 2 shots of long acting insulin (and a new type to boot), and 3 times a day short acting. It's not fine-tuned yet, I am either way too low or way too high. My new range needs to be 90-100. And right now I am either 70 or 140 not usually anywhere in between, so I am eagerly waiting to see the doc again on the 2nd.

I am both excited and nervous, this will be a new challenge.

If you, my readers would like me to keep going, let me know. It'll be spotty, I will only talk about events worth talking about... but I am damn sure that 20 more pounds is going to have to wait until after March 29, 2011

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

re baiting assumptions

I know I said end of the week, there has been further complications. So I have something to share with you, I do, I do... but it needs to wait about another week and a half, come back at the end of the month, please.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

a quick tangent

A quick tangent...

someone posted a thing on facebook today about a woman going nuts on a drive thru worker at mc donalds because she couldn't have chicken nuggets. Maybe the woman was out of control, maybe not...

First off, it's hard to get sympathy for going out to eat when you are diabetic. The bottom line is, everyone who's anyone basically says you should eat at home. As a diabetic your only job is to eat at home, exercise, test and medicate. This makes a regular life difficult at best.

So if you have to step out in the world to run errands, and otherwise cant rush home to make yourself food, and you aren't freaking Rockefeller so you cant just walk into the nearest sit down restaurant where your chances for a diabetic friendly meal is greater... all you have is drive thru.

Making the best of drive thru is difficult to say the VERY least. You are relegated to diet or unsweetened tea, or water. Even tho a #3 comes with a drink. I have already launched my campaign against a lot of fast food places here, some it's only water or diet coke/pepsi and not even USnweetened tea. FOR GOD SAKES doesn't tea start unsweetened before you drown it with sugar people how hard can it be!??! With one establishment I did win. I can now have water diet coke or unsweetened tea. Altho I have learned to like diet soda, so I don't fight the fight as often anymore. (point of fact I am fighting with blockbuster video right now for another diet soda choice in the coolers, since they have a rent 3 movies, get 2 drinks, 2 candy and a popcorn for $20 and I cant have anything but diet coke in that deal... so the manager is tolerating my whining now LOL).

Then there is the food menu. Crappy salads, yuck. It is possible to eat a 10 piece chicken nugget and a handful of fries and stay within your limits... if it was me and I was shaking and tanking, I might have reached thru the drive thru window to bitch slap someone too... altho years in customer service has taught me, NOT to kill the messenger when it's not directly their fault.

BUT the one thing that is making me want to bust some heads, that makes me want to take out an ad in a newspaper or on a newscast... I don't care how stupid you think you are, how much you hate your shitty job, it's not that hard to give me the right drink. I pay $3 to drink that nasty diet coke... I prefer for it not to BE diet, but it HAS to be. The silver/gray button is diet, the red one is not. They aren't even next to each other most of the time. HOW HARD IS IT TO GET THAT RIGHT? To check and double check.

It's not like I am ordering diet for vanity. Oh I need to loose weight, but if I don't get a diet soda that's not what is affected. I am LESS affected by drinking a large chocolate shake than I am if I drink even 1/2 a real soda. 1/2 a real soda makes me peak into the 200-250 range easily, the shake, I might get close to 200, maybe. A real soda wont make me gain weight, it could KILL me people!

So to all those fast food workers out there, have a little freaking integrity and just GET THE GODDAMN ORDER RIGHT!

Monday, August 9, 2010

baiting assumptions

At the risk of baiting assumptions... there is more to tell you, but at the moment there is too much. So I am writing to bait you and have you come back at the end of next week. Assume what you'd like... keep it to yourself.

I will be back the end of next week with a more revealing blog.

Monday, August 2, 2010

gone? but not forgotten

having mom in town for a month presents some challenges... financially, dietarily, and with time management.

When I have guests, any guests, I believe that they deserve 100% of my attention at all times. So hey, if you ever come to visit me we'll have a blast. But that meant I didn't get to keep up with any other commitments I had. My friends never heard from me, and neither did you.

Having a guest to spend time with outside the house ate our budget early. So mom did a lot of the paying, which meant she called the shots. I went from 3 meals a day to 2. I went from a steady 100-120 blood sugar to dropping to 40's and peaking to 170's. I barely kept my weight within 10 pounds of where I started. It was rough.

Add in the fact that we spent time in New Orleans, rich deep friend food capitol... I am surprised I didn't end up in the hospital.

I worked out a grand total of 1 time, with my sister. I am surprised SHE didn't end up in the hospital. She is about 50 pounds lighter than me, she kept a slower pace but did manage to keep up. But her heart rate scared the hell out of me. 17 year old 180-190ish pounds. Hear rate peaked at 190! I was peaking at 135 (and I am 33 and 235)! I tried to over exhurt myself to get my rate up to hers, and I was literally pedaling (on the bike) 10 times faster than she was, and I could only get my rate up there for a few seconds... it's work to see 190.

Good to know I am in shape.

Mom never did make any comments about my shorter shorts... but then again, my legs look HOT. She didnt even pull the "you are so much bigger than me" (altho I found out I only outweigh her by about 10-15 pounds). She took photos of the family and tried to make it seem as though my sister looked older/bigger than me. I think she was trying to say my sister looked mature... but it didnt come across that way. Both my husband and myself came to her defence asap.

I did a butt-ton of walking. My husband and I were refering to our outings lovingly as the "tourist death march". So that helped keep my sugars at bay even though what we were eating was of no assistance.

This is our 1st pay period back to normal, and we're recovering from all the overspending. My husband is in the field for the next 2 weeks (altho I hear that might get cut very short) and so it's gonna be rough. To make it thru it looks like the toddler and I will be eating tons of crap. I am gonna need to pull out the ol' workout dvd to balance it out.

Ate mac n cheese from a box with a hotdog today for brunch and a crappy chicken sandwich with tater tots for dinner. Sugars are in the 200's. I would be better off eating a HUGE mc d's meal! I am gonna feed the kid the crap and try to minimize crap for me. It's gonna suck. Altho since it's just me eating salads the only thing I have to worry about is the greens going bad.


I will be back from here on out, probably not daily, I'll admit that, but often.