I didn't recognize you... don't know if that's a compliment or an insult. I strive to blend, I don't expect anyone to remember me (unless we talk and bond).
In the last few weeks I have run into several people who I did talk and bond shortly with, who didn't recognize me at first. The first of which, my ex-next door neighbor from living on base... who "nearly didn't recognize" me. I said, could it be that I am 30 pounds lighter (at that time) and a red head (not anymore)? That one I understood. The people I bought my home from... last week, but that's okay I blocked them out, so I didn't recognize them at first either. But they didn't mention why they didn't know who I was at first... either they never realized it, or were too embarrassed to say "wow you were fatter before!"
Then there was a friend of my husband's who lived with us for a few months last year, he knew us, certainly. He found a few of the pounds I lost for certain. He wasn't surprised at my loss, more happy for me. But again it didn't click with him right away.
I wish I had old and new photos to share with you. Because I find myself thinking... is a 40 pound loss that unnoticeable? Or are they just being polite? Yes, I am still fat, but definitely not as fat as before. I suppose I wish someone would see it in me without me fishing for it. I would love to hear it, no matter how insulting they could make it... wow you were a heifer before! Wow, your face looks so good now! Whatever. I just feel sometimes like the only thing recording a loss is my scale. Well, my husband too- but he'd love me if I was 400 pounds.
AND by the way 48/41/46 (hips, waist, bust last measured was 52/46/49 on april 22nd) +235!!!
(holy crap that's -3in on my tits, -5in on my waist and -4in on my hips!!)
Not much had changed in my eating habits... good breakfast of egg and sausage, decent lunch of sandwich wrap, mostly veggies, horrid dinner of mc'd's (haven't cooked a lot since the job started, but it's over now!)
Going back to workouts on thursday, I sorta don't wanna, but I need to get back in the swing of things for sure!
Woohoo way to go!!