To the mend who read this blog- I apologise for the subject matter; however if this stuff bothers you, I don't know how you'll ever expect to have any long term female companionship in your life.
WHY is it that a menstrual cycle screws everything up!? I wanna eat more, sleep more and lay around listlessly. It's a recipe for disaster when it comes to diet and exercise.
The biggest problem is the "food band aide". It is likely something your parents taught you, if you have this issue, and a behavior impossible to break. This is what you use when you feel bad either emotionally or physically. Bad day? Ice cream! Fall down? Candy!
I can see the ease in doing in to my own child, a sucker stops crying quickly, and a cookie can sweeten up the baddest of attitudes in a flash. My husband is the worst sinner of all in this household. I catch him giving our daughter sweets and snacks to change her mind, attitude, etc. Even worse he does it to himself. If he's had a bad day... chocolate beware! He'll binge eat everything and anything in sight. I have been known to give myself food bandages from time to time. But in general, I try to keep myself under control, and stick to full meals as comfort food (look out sushi- here I come!) and snacks.
There really isn't a cold turkey solution to fixing the bad behavior. Altho, there are some fix-it solutions. If you have to have a sunday for dinner, have a salad for dessert. If it has to be chocolate, stick to ONE regular sized bar, and eat it SLOWLY. If it HAS to be french fries, get a side salad too, or better yet, make them at home, and bake them instead!
Exercise, well, no solution there either I am afraid. But I will say attitude is everything. Exercise isn't something you HAVE to do, it shouldn't be a punishment. If you don't wanna do it. DON'T. By all means, take a day off, take a week off, quit if you want to. Exercise is something you need to make friends with, realize that yes, it's hard, yes, it wears you out, makes you sweat. But it also makes you feel good. Better. Best! It's something that you need to come to terms with personally and do what makes you happy. It's a should, not a have to. And if you can get to a place where it's a want to... you win!
My job is over! I turn in my last bits of paperwork tomorrow! We're still renovating the house, and it needs a big fat spring cleaning. But things should be getting back to normal now. So blogs should come more regularly from here on out. Thanks for sticking with me!
Congrats on finishing the job! Reward yourself with some baked sweet potato fries- those are our rewards around here. =) Talk to you again soon! --M