You know those days/times when you're working at your job, or home, or with your kids and everything isn't necessarily going wrong, but it isn't quite right. Things are more difficult than you are prepared to handle that day, and you want to quit? Take a day for the soul.
I know in some situations, it's easier said than done.
My kid has been a little hard to handle lately (terrible twos) and work is getting overwhelming, I have put off so much of my life for it already, and now it's becoming even bigger, I want to quit. Last night I almost turned in everything and said thanks, but I don't NEED this crap, and I don't need this job.
Instead, I took a night off and spent it with my family.
They key to nights like this is to only do things you WANT to do, instead of HAVE to do. We ate boiled crawfish (last of the season) cuz it's currently the favorite food in the house (cheap, good, quick, fun, healthy). We went shopping for home stuff, I refused a poopie diaper (take that husband!), and we went home and watched our favorite tv program on dvd (boston legal).
All in all a good day.
Am I prepared to go back to it? More than I was yesterday. Do I still want to quit? YES. WILL I quit? Probably not today. But it's looking like it'll be soon. My income isn't helping out the household, it's for when my mom comes to visit so we can have some fun. I cant workout, I have groceries we bought on the 1st going bad, since I am not home to cook (and my husband WONT cook). My family cant learn to clean up after themselves, so I get to do it all when I get home, since I don't have the ability to sit in the mess like it's nothing. The bottom line is that this job is too much for everyone. But without the extra cash- my mom's visit will consist of her complaining that we cant afford to do anything (and I already owe her about $250 for hotel rooms in New Orleans).
But for at least one more day, I am ready to soldier on.
(ate a lot of crwafish last night lol)
Wont do a blow by blow on the diet, I cant remember much of yesterday. Things will be getting back to normal soon.
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