Saturday, April 23, 2011

SO nearly 3 weeks later...

I'm eating like a starving pig! And bad stuff too... so sue me! On monday I go back on the program (or at lease as close to it as I can manage).

My waist is back, my boobs are huge, everything is flatter, the swelling is totally gone. I have control over MOST of my body now (yay).

And here's the kicker... I started this pregnancy at 233, I have a goal of 220, I gained about 30 pounds during the pregnancy... I cant start working out till after my 6 week post pardom appt, and only easy stuff then (c-section= abdominal surgery, gotta start slow). And I weigh...



  1. Hey hon. Was wondering what your progress is. I worry about 'cha.

    HUGS. :)
