Tuesday, August 10, 2010

a quick tangent

A quick tangent...

someone posted a thing on facebook today about a woman going nuts on a drive thru worker at mc donalds because she couldn't have chicken nuggets. Maybe the woman was out of control, maybe not...

First off, it's hard to get sympathy for going out to eat when you are diabetic. The bottom line is, everyone who's anyone basically says you should eat at home. As a diabetic your only job is to eat at home, exercise, test and medicate. This makes a regular life difficult at best.

So if you have to step out in the world to run errands, and otherwise cant rush home to make yourself food, and you aren't freaking Rockefeller so you cant just walk into the nearest sit down restaurant where your chances for a diabetic friendly meal is greater... all you have is drive thru.

Making the best of drive thru is difficult to say the VERY least. You are relegated to diet or unsweetened tea, or water. Even tho a #3 comes with a drink. I have already launched my campaign against a lot of fast food places here, some it's only water or diet coke/pepsi and not even USnweetened tea. FOR GOD SAKES doesn't tea start unsweetened before you drown it with sugar people how hard can it be!??! With one establishment I did win. I can now have water diet coke or unsweetened tea. Altho I have learned to like diet soda, so I don't fight the fight as often anymore. (point of fact I am fighting with blockbuster video right now for another diet soda choice in the coolers, since they have a rent 3 movies, get 2 drinks, 2 candy and a popcorn for $20 and I cant have anything but diet coke in that deal... so the manager is tolerating my whining now LOL).

Then there is the food menu. Crappy salads, yuck. It is possible to eat a 10 piece chicken nugget and a handful of fries and stay within your limits... if it was me and I was shaking and tanking, I might have reached thru the drive thru window to bitch slap someone too... altho years in customer service has taught me, NOT to kill the messenger when it's not directly their fault.

BUT the one thing that is making me want to bust some heads, that makes me want to take out an ad in a newspaper or on a newscast... I don't care how stupid you think you are, how much you hate your shitty job, it's not that hard to give me the right drink. I pay $3 to drink that nasty diet coke... I prefer for it not to BE diet, but it HAS to be. The silver/gray button is diet, the red one is not. They aren't even next to each other most of the time. HOW HARD IS IT TO GET THAT RIGHT? To check and double check.

It's not like I am ordering diet for vanity. Oh I need to loose weight, but if I don't get a diet soda that's not what is affected. I am LESS affected by drinking a large chocolate shake than I am if I drink even 1/2 a real soda. 1/2 a real soda makes me peak into the 200-250 range easily, the shake, I might get close to 200, maybe. A real soda wont make me gain weight, it could KILL me people!

So to all those fast food workers out there, have a little freaking integrity and just GET THE GODDAMN ORDER RIGHT!

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